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​ Boost your career

EduStation is a team of overseas students founded by former overseas students. There are not only Xueba full scholarship winners, but also quirky and fun people-designed Xueshu, providing students and parents with a one-stop service for studying abroad.

Only what you can't think of, nothing we don't provide!

The reason why I dare to say this is because our team has all experienced the happy, sad, hard, lonely, but breakthrough self time after time when studying abroad.

We hope to unite and use our past experience to help more students, parents, and families who have the same dreams as us. Let children not just go abroad to attend classes.

After all, in our opinion, if you just want to complete your schoolwork, you can do it in China.

Studying abroad is to achieve transformation through tempering. And experience a different life, a different vision, a different thinking and a different perception.

So join us!

Let us pass on this love, so that more international students can maximize their income and achieve a better self!

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